What a year it has been! I am super thankful to be able to celebrate a new year of life. I know many people who didn't make it to their next birthday and the numbers keep rising. I had planned a party but due to the rising Covid numbers and deaths, it was canceled. I have never been much of a party person so it didn't matter much. I am super thankful in this moment for my blessings that come from God. I am still alive. My kids are healthy and happy.I can't possibly name all of the things that God continues to do for me. I am thankful and blessed.
In the midst of worldly chaos and uncertainty, I am thankful to be able to celebrate another year on this Earth. Year 39 will be great and many changes will occur as I continue to venture into unknown territories and explore new opportunities. I am praying for world peace and healing for everyone. Even during the craziest days of our lives, it's not too late to be great!
Me to Me - Girl, you DID it, you ARE it, you continue to DO it, you are happy, healthy, wealthy, rich. You are a MONEY MAGNET! Money comes easily and frequently. You are beautiful inside and out. You are MORE THAN ENOUGH! you are perfectly imperfect. I love you.
God loves you. He created you to be exactly how he wanted you to be. You are the light, the charge, the plug. 08:26 on 08/26. Destiny. Happy Birthday.
